Monday, January 28, 2013

The Money Saving Bride: Tips 1-3

So here's my first couple of tips for saving money on your wedding. And even though my wedding is still in the oh-my-goodness-how-am-I-ever-going-to-get-this-done stage, I can still offer what I've learned so far.

1. Make a pinterest wedding board. Yes, I said it. And, most likely, as a female, you will already have one. Start looking for those pins with links to sites that will give discounts on things such as invites and decorations. But be careful-some of these sites could simply be rip-offs.

2. D.I.Y. everything you can. And if you can't do something, like, for example, sew, there is most likely someone in your acquaintance who does. And that, my friends, is the beauty of planning a wedding. Just about all your friends are willing to help-all you need to do is provide the materials.

3. Find someone, whether it is your mom, sister, dad, friend, or even your third cousin Bobby Ray, to help you stick to your budget. For me, it's my older sister who is also my Maid of Honor. Because sometimes you just need that other voice to tell you no when you want to get that one extra thing. It also helps if this person has a creative mind that can come up with cheaper alternatives to something you think you just can't do without.

That's all I've got for you for you for today. I'll have more tips coming up next Monday.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Big News

So I've been keeping something from you of December 28, Brendan and I are engaged! He took me out, after I had been very sick with some sort of sinus infection (all while staying at his parents' in Georgia for Christmas) to see Les Miserables (I'm a huge fan). After the movie we went into the mall and he took me into the jewelry store and told me to pick one. Later he said, "If you had waited for me to pick one, you would have been waiting forever." I'm very excited to be getting ready to start this new chapter with a totally amazing, godly man!
Dixie Rose, not even a day old.
Photo by Elizabeth Pires

So with our wedding, we're doing a low budget. So for anyone in the same boat, I'll put posts up on how we're saving money and how you can too.

And my other bit of of December 19 I an also now an auntie! My sister-in-law safely delivered Dixie Rose (we bear the same middle name) after 18 hours of labor. 6lbs 8oz, 21 in and looking oh so much like my brother with her big ears and blue eyes. But she's has her mommy's dark black hair. The little dear even arrived on her due date.