Step 1: Download the pdf file (located here). It works best if you print odd pages first and then the even pages. Also be sure to change your printer settings so that the picture is rotated around to give you that book-like shape.

Step 2: Head to Walmart. According to my guest list I have roughly 20 children on my just that are at the age where they can get really bored really fast. I decided to give them six crayons a piece so I picked up a box of 120 crayons for $6.97. Then I got more printer paper ($2.97) and a roll of twine ($5.00). All together these little booklets cost me a total of $14.94 for 20 of them or around $0.75 per book.

Step 3: Assembly. I folded the books together and then cut two small triangle shaped holes in the binding. Through that I tied a piece of twine and cut off the ends but left a bit for decorative purposes. The same procedure is almost duplicated for the crayons. Simply lay them out over a piece of twine, tie once in the back, flip them over, tie a knot in the front and then trim the ends.
And voila! Entertainment for the kiddos without breaking the bank.