We've been busy the past few weeks. Life here is finally starting to settle down and even out (5 months into our marriage). With our finances now evening out we finally managed to get a kitchen table and a couch and are now taking on a project a weekend.
Run for Hope Houston |
The last weekend of October we did two 5k's in two days (not a good idea if you haven't run in several months and just started back up again). The first was through our church, Houston's First Baptist, to benefit an organization called Legacy 685 that gives interest free loans and grants to families going through the adoption process. This race was timed and slightly competitive. For someone who just picked up running again a week before, we didn't do too bad. I placed 255th with an overall time of 45:37 and a 14:50/k pace. Brendan placed right behind me by about a half second and a time of 14:52/k. At the end of the race we were treated to free Chick-fil-A and ice cream while we chatted with some friends from church before running of to pick up our packets for our next race, The Color Run.

We had The Color Run the following day in a rain storm. By the time we actually started the race, the rain had reduced to a drizzle and half way through it stopped. Still, I can't say I enjoyed this Color Run as much as I enjoyed my one in Baltimore. The group of people was less enthusiastic overall, which kind of just killed the mood. We walked the whole way since we were tired from the day before, and, true my word, I got Brendan covered in pink. Because of this he literally stopped in the orange zone to try and cover the pink. But not before I got a picture. I mostly enjoyed it because it gave us time to talk as a couple about things we normally don't talk about because we don't have the time. But with 3.1 miles to walk and all the time in the world to do it, it was much easier and the conversation just flowed. That was until we hit the yellow zone and I took an eye full of yellow powder. I think I was crying that stuff out for about five minutes and then my eyes still hurt. Moral of the story-wear sunglasses or close your eyes. All-in-all it was a fun weekend and was kind of a kick starter for finally getting our life as a couple underway.

This past weekend we took on our weekly task of straightening up the apartment (since both of us work pretty much all day during the week). Our project for the weekend was our sadly neglected balcony and our miniature schnauzer who was in desperate need of being groomed. We dropped him off at his appointment at Petsmart on Wallisville (you should ask for Ana as your groomer; she did a wonderful job with Jesse) and then went over to the Lowe's next door to look for flowers. Now, I have to say, being from the East Coast, Texas weather is throwing me off. It's now November and I've maybe only been cold enough to put on a sweater twice and that was in the early morning. Once the sun comes all the way up, it's warm enough again to make you regret wearing a sweater and boots. That being said, it was really weird for me to plant flowers on the second day of November. And they aren't dying yet. Which is weird. Really, really weird (unless you're a Texan and used to these things.) We picked up a couple of orchids for the house and then some pansies, petunias, marigolds, dusty miller, and whatever that plant in the middle is (I just liked how it looked, so I got it.) We also got a hanging pot of gerbera daisies and a green lawn chair to enjoy those cooler days when you just want to sit outside and take in the weather.
Our little Jesse, all cleaned up |
Halfway through transplanting them all into a rather large pot, I got a call that the dog was ready for pick up. So I finished up and went and got him. And when they brought him out, I thought he was the wrong dog! He had been so fluffy for so long that to see him all shaved and snazzed up was a weird thing for me. I think I prefer him fluffy though so next time I think we're just going to get him trimmed and the matted parts combed out. Until then he looks like a proper schnauzer and not a poodle like everyone usually thinks. Oh and his sharp little talons have finally been grinded down enough so that every time he jumps on someone, he won't be leaving a rather long, painful scratch mark.
My final feat for the weekend was making lasagna for the first time. In all the years I've been cooking (maybe 5 or 6) I have always dreaded making it. I've watched my mom and even my stepdad do it and let me tell you they must have all the patience in the world to work on it for that long. I cheated a little bit and bought the ready to cook, no need to boil noodles just because I was so afraid I would mess it up. I used a recipe my sister sent to me via email and I'm pretty sure when she was typing it up she left out some ingredients. Imagine the anxiety that caused me. But, being the savvy cook that I am I was able to salvage it through some, ahem, educated guesses and it actually turned out pretty good. I also found my new favorite way to make garlic bread-French bread cut in half, spread with butter and sprinkled with garlic powder and shredded parmesan cheese. It's so much better than the stuff you buy from the frozen aisle.
And I'll leave you for now with this-a little gif of what happens when Jesse escapes from a bath. Have a good week y'all!