Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Peace in the Chaos

Life has been super hectic for us since school started back up again. Just this past week alone we've had a lot on our plates. Sunday we hosted a Super Bowl party (anyone else disappointed that the Broncos lost? That's 2 for 2 for my teams this year) and had around 7 people over. Between going to church, cooking all day and the clean up after I was just plain exhausted. And then Monday, in addition to forgetting my disposable gloves and realizing I was super behind on homework, I had my second of two asthma attacks in a week. Our computer also crashed over the weekend and for some reason this week all my energy just seems to be sapped out of me.

But I don't say all this to complain. It all has a point. Even though all this is going wrong, I'm not unhappy. I'm less stressed than I have been in a while. I'm exhausted, yes, worried, sometimes, and I have little mini anxiety attacks every time I walk out the door thinking I forgot something. But I have peace in all of this chaos. And perhaps it is because I have the peace that passes understanding.

This verse comes from probably one of my favorite chapters in the Bible. It's so full of truth and great little nuggets of wisdom that can apply to almost anywhere. But this peace truly does pass understanding. As time goes by and I feel more and more at peace with everything that keeps popping up.  I'm starting to worry less. You could say it's because I have such a good supportive man at my side. And while this is true and he does make my life like 500 times better, it's the other man in my life who truly gives me this peace. And the less and less I worry about the things of this world, the more and more I am at peace.