Homeschooling gives a parent the opportunity to teach a child the way they want, not the way the government wants. It gives them a chance to teach their children godliness, the Bible, faith-all things that have been stripped out of the public school systems. It always keeps the children away from the bad influences of other children. And, contrary to popular belief, it makes the chlidren better able to communicate with people of all ages, not just their age group.
It's a gift and one we should be highly grateful for. Eduacation in and of itself is a great gift and to be homeschooled is an even greater one. We can learn the way we want and we can have a greater opportunity to learn about God and to serve him. If you are homeschooled, thank your parents for making the decision to homeschool you and, above all, thank God for allowing you to be homeschooled. Maybe, someday, your name could appear among the greats of homeschooling.
Famous Homeschoolers
- John Adams
- James Garfield
- Abraham Lincoln
- Franklin Delanor Roosevelt
- George Washington
- Woodrow Wilson
- Henry Clay
- Benjamin Franklin
- Daniel Webster
- Patrick Henry
- Pierre du Pont
- Stonewall Jackson
- George Patton
- Robert E. Lee
- John Jay
- Albert Einstein
- Booker T. Washington
- Claude Mone
- Leonardo da Vinci
- Joan of Arc
- Jonathan Edwards
- D. L. Moody
- Hudson Taylor
- John & Charles Wesley
- Alexander Graham Bell
- Thomas Edison
- Eli Whitney
- Wilbur & Orville Wright
- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
- Hans Christen Anderson
- Robert Frost
- C. S. Lewis
- Christopher Paolini
- Jennifer Love Hewitt
- LeAnne Rimes
- Jonas Brothers
- Andrew Carnegie
- Clara Barton
- Susan B. Anthony
- Davy Crockett
- Jason Taylor
- ...and many, many more!

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